Monday, 27 January 2014

Help and educate Poor children in India

Welcome to the ' SUPPORT INDIAN CHARITY ' In India.Our mission is to help & provide basic education to Poor children need in India so they may have the opportunity to attend school,learn and give back to society .
"Slums are not problems; slums are approaches to solutions. Slums are indications that people have the ability and the willingness to solve their problems.

                                     What We Do ?

We believe that all children should have the opportunity to receive an education, regardless of their financial situation. In India, basic education is not free. Families need money to send their children to school. It costs approximately $350 U.S. dollars per year to support a child through elementary school education. This amount covers:
  • Tuition
  • Books
  • School supplies
  • School uniforms
  • Basic Knowledge of Internet 
We want to provide this opportunity to those in need. Please help support a child's education by contacting us today.

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  1. I like this post.You, as a contributor, can select any cause you want to support.
